
Some of Dr. Craig's lectures for general audiences.

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How Can Jesus Be Both God & Man?

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Craig vs. Antony - University of Massachusetts (part 2)

Is the Foundation of Morality Natural or Supernatural?

William Lane Craig debates Sam Harris. Watch as Dr. Craig debates Harris on the issues of God and morality.

Is God Necessary for Morality?

William Lane Craig debates Louise Antony on the foundational basis of morality. Is morality just a divine protection racket? Is there any rational basis for good if there is no God?...

The Evidence for God

William Lane Craig was invited by the undergraduate Christian Union at Imperial College, London to give a lunch-time lecture on "The Evidence for God". Dr. Craig presented seven arguments and then inv...

What is the Moral Argument for the Existence of God?

Special Guest Dr. William Lane Craig returns and defines the Moral Argument for the existence of God.

Watch this exciting episode and grab a copy of Dr. Craig's new book "On Guard" to...

Can We Be Good Without God?

This presentation of Dr. Craig's moral argument at a Georgia Tech Veritas Forum is highlighted by a lengthy time of interaction with students during the Question and Answer period following his le...