Reasonable Faith Video Podcast

Video Podcasts

Questions on Visions, Sin, and Young Earth Creationism

Questions from listeners about visions in the Bible, the origin of sin, and whether Young Earth Creationism is an embarrassment. DR. CRAIG: Hello! This is William Lane Craig. I'm really excited ...

Questions on Human Reproduction, Heaven, and Islam

Why would God create someone whom he knows will reject him? Will we be bored in heaven if everything is perfect? These and other questions are discussed by Dr. Craig. KEVIN HARRIS: You’re on t...

Questions on Personal Causation, Time, and Christology

Answers to questions on personal causation, God and time, and Dr Craig's current study on the nature of Christ. KEVIN HARRIS: Next question: Dear Professor Craig, my Bible study in Boise, Idah...

Questions on Evangelism, the God Particle, and the Atonement

Dr. Craig takes questions on the necessity of evangelism, how God sustains everything into existence, and how sins were atoned for by Christ before his crucifixion. DR. CRAIG: Hello! This is William...

The Seven Most Googled Questions About God

What questions are people all over the world Googling about God and Christianity? KEVIN HARRIS: Some recent research reveals the seven most-Googled questions about God and the Christian faith. These...

Fantasy of the Gaps

KEVIN HARRIS: The god of the gaps fallacy came up again when our podcast discussed a dialogue between Neil deGrasse Tyson and Sean Carroll. Let’s look at an article by Canadian professor Kirk Du...

Craig Keener on the Historical Jesus

KEVIN HARRIS: Craig Keener published a book called Christobiography: Memory, History, and the Reliability of the Gospels in 2019. It’s 743 pages, so we are not going to be able to cover all of i...

Scientific Materialism and Woke Ideology

KEVIN HARRIS: William Dembski received an email from the National Association of Scholars (NAS) promoting their event with guest speaker Lawrence Krauss. Dembski writes about it on his website.[1] He ...

Dawkins: Religion Is Still Evil - Part Two

KEVIN HARRIS: In this next clip, Dawkins responds to Alex O’Connor’s point that Darwin may have solved the mystery of complexity in living things, but not the origin of living things. PRO...

Dawkins: Religion Is Still Evil - Part One

KEVIN HARRIS: Hey! Welcome to Reasonable Faith with Dr. William Lane Craig as we begin a two-part series evaluating an interview with Dr. Richard Dawkins. Let’s go to part one today and look at ...