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Was the Crucifixion Motivated by God’s Wrath?

In one sense, certainly God is wrathful with sin. Think about it – if God were indifferent about a little girl being brutally raped and tortured, what sort of God would that be? A God of love will be outraged at such moral atrocities. So, yes, God is angry and wrathful about sin justly deserved. But we should not think that therefore Christ's self-giving sacrifice on the cross is something that's motivated by divine anger or wrath. Rather, it is God's love that would prompt the second person of the Trinity to take on a human nature and in the person of Christ to voluntarily lay down his life in our place, taking upon himself the punishment for sin that was our just desert, and thereby the demands of God's justice are met and his wrath with sinful human beings is allayed because justice has been fully satisfied. So I think that the atonement of Christ, the self-sacrificial death of Christ for our sins, wonderfully unifies both the love and the justice of God.