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Is Christianity "One in a Million"?

Dr. Craig explains what he meant when he said that if there were a mere one chance in a million that Christianity were true, it would be worth believing!

DR. CRAIG: When I first heard the message of the Gospel as a non-Christian high school student – that my sins could be forgiven by God, that God loved me, he loved Bill Craig, and that I could come to know him and experience eternal life with God – I thought to myself, and I'm not kidding, I thought if there is just one chance in a million that this is true, it's worth believing. And so my attitude toward this is just the opposite of Kyle's. Far from raising the bar or the epistemic standard that Christianity must meet to be believed, I lower it.

STEPHEN: Yeah. You heard that correctly. If there's just one chance in a million that the primary religion of Craig's geographic birthplace is true then it's worth believing.

CAMERON BERTUZZI: Let me actually pause here because on the phone you and I spoke and you basically made the point – and this is actually good that we're paused here on the transcript – you made the clarification that when you said “one in a million” you were just using a phrase, right? You weren't actually putting a number on things.

DR. CRAIG: Right. Obviously I was not trying to assign numerical values to probabilities. It's a colloquial expression. For example, someone might say, “My girlfriend is one in a million,” and he is not suggesting he's done a statistical sampling to say that. He means she's really excellent, really rare. And so for me I was saying that really if there was any sort of reasonable chance of believing in Christianity it was worth it in view of the promise that it holds out and the tremendous benefit of knowing God and finding eternal life.