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Dr. Alexander Pruss Questions Dr. Craig

In November 2014, Dr William Lane Craig participated in a conference at Baylor University in honor of Alvin Plantinga, widely regarded as the world’s most important living Christian philosopher. In the early ’80s, as a young philosopher, Dr Craig heard Plantinga deliver a lecture entitled “Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God’s Existence” at a Wheaton College philosophy conference. Now some 30 years later, this Baylor conference was dedicated to the extrapolation of the arguments Plantinga had surveyed. The kalam cosmological argument was not one of the two dozen listed by Plantinga. But he had included in his survey a generic category called “other arguments.” So Dr. Trent Dougherty, the conference organizer, decided to include the kalam argument as one of the unnamed other arguments and invited Dr Craig to lecture on it at the conference.The event was organized by Dr. Trent Dougherty and sponsored by the Program for Philosophical Studies of Religion. The rest of the conference can be viewed here: