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Does Calvinism Make God the Author of Evil?

Dr. Craig compares Calvinism and Molinism regarding how they handle the problem of evil!

MODERATOR: Would you say that John Calvin's system of divine determinism with Jonathan Edwards later expanding upon it, do you think that it makes God the efficient cause of sin or author of evil?

DR. CRAIG: Yes, I do. This was the subject of a dialogue that I just had with the man you mentioned a moment ago, James White.

MODERATOR: Oh, interesting.

DR. CRAIG: On Justin Brierley's podcast, Unbelievable, Justin asked us to address the question of which view does a better job of solving the problem of evil, Calvinism or Molinism? I argued that, while they may be equivalent with regard to natural evil, that is to say, non-moral evil, that with respect to moral evil the Calvinist view makes God the author of sin because it is God who determines how people will choose in any circumstances in which he might place them. And so it seems to me that inevitably makes God the cause of people sinning, and insofar as it's evil to do such a thing, it makes God himself evil, which is just unconscionable. So I think that the Molinist view, which affirms libertarian freedom, is the better view.