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WLC Reacts! to Ricky Gervais on Why He Trusts Science

Dr. William Lane Craig responds to an exchange between Ricky Gervais and Stephen Colbert on trusting in science vs. religion. STEPHEN COLBERT: You are just believing Stephen Hawking and that’s...

Molinism and Arminianism: What’s the Difference?

This is a very good question because it was really through Jacob Arminius that Molinism entered into Protestant theology. Arminius was, I think, really a Protestant Molinist. Now, modern day Arminiani...

What is the Purpose of Genesis 1?

What was the author's original intention for Genesis chapter 1? Dr. Craig responds! The point of the first chapter of Genesis is not to say that the world was created in six consecutive 24-hour...

God Hardened Pharaoh's Heart?

God, in one sense, did not want Pharaoh to simply let the Israelites go from Egypt easily. So Pharaoh's heart was hardened necessitating God to bring these plagues upon Egypt that would demonstrat...

Did God Command Genocide?

What exactly did God command the Israelites to do to the Canaanites in the Old Testament? Dr. Craig responds! God's command to Israel to drive the Canaanites out of the land when he delivered t...

WLC Reacts! to Jesus Is Not for Everybody

Dr. William Lane Craig responds to an empty train whistle of accusations against Christianity's truthfulness and growth. SPEAKER 1: The New Testament specifically talks about the universal messa...

How Do We Determine When the Gospels Were Written?

The dating of the Gospels is very uncertain. One New Testament scholar aptly compared it to a line of drunks reeling arm-in-arm down the road – if one falls, the other falls; they're so inte...

Balancing Emotions and Rationality

People are made with intellectual and emotional tendencies. How should we balance these tendencies as we approach our beliefs? QUESTION: We are emotional beings. We're intellectual beings. How ...

What About Avicenna's Defense of Divine Simplicity?

Dr. Craig discusses Divine Simplicity with Ryan Mullins and Cameron Bertuzzi. QUESTION: Here's a question from The Champ: Any thoughts on Avicenna's defense of divine simplicity? DR. CRAIG:...

Is the Virgin Birth Essential?

I suppose it depends on what you mean by essential. In one sense it's not essential to the deity of Jesus Christ. We shouldn't think that it was in virtue of his being virginally conceived tha...