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Two Major Takeaways from Historical Adam Research

Dr. Craig shares two major insights from his book on the historical Adam. The conclusions to which I came involved two claims. The first one is that Genesis chapter 1 to 11, which include the storie...

Jeffrey Dahmer and the Dangers of Naturalism

Dr. Craig discusses comments from Jeffrey Dahmer about his avid belief in pure naturalism and the ease it afforded him in committing murder. INTERVIEWER: There's a show on Netflix about Jeffrey ...

How Do Scientists Think Life Originated?

Since most scientists are secularists (rather than Christians or theists) who very assiduously exclude God from their scientific work, I think that probably the vast majority of origin of life researc...

Correcting Richard Dawkins on Evolution!

Dr. Craig responds to a diagram on evolutionary change from one of Richard Dawkins' books. INTERVIEWER: My understanding of evolution is that populations evolve, not individuals. Richard Dawkins...

Are There Two Contradictory Creation Accounts in Genesis?

Dr. Craig discusses the first two chapters of Genesis and comments on the source material. INTERVIEWER: The standard academic understanding of the Pentatuch which you mentioned is the so-called docu...

What About When Biblical Authors Quote From Non-canonical Sources?

This is a really interesting question because in the New Testament you have inspired authors quoting non-inspired, even pagan, literature to illustrate their various points. I don't think we would...

Is there Evidence that the Earliest Humans were Religious?

Dr. Craig reviews archaeological evidence that is consistent with the idea that the earliest humans were religious! INTERVIEWER: I think Ben Witherington might have mentioned in his brief critique o...

How Do We Determine Which Books Are Inspired?

The difficult question would be where do you draw the boundaries of the canon? Which books are inspired and which ones are not inspired? And there the boundaries are blurry. It's hard to know exac...

What's a Christian's Relationship to the Old Testament Law?

The question of the Christian's relationship to the Old Testament and to the law is one on which Christ followers themselves disagree. For example, there are Messianic Jews today who follow Christ...

When Did Adam and Eve First Possess a Soul?

Dr. Craig discusses the possibility of "Emergentism" in his approach to the historical Adam and Eve! INTERVIEWER: In Defenders you talk about different views of the origins of the soul, and one of t...