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What Is Original Sin?

What Does It Mean to Say We’re Predestined?

How Should Christians Approach Jordan Peterson’s Teachings?

How Should Christians Approach Jordan Peterson’s Teachings?

How Can Jesus as One Man Take the Punishment for All Men?

Dr. Craig answers an ATONEMENT question submitted online following his lecture for Apologia Sweden.

What Percent of Genesis 1-11 is Meant to be Literally Historically True?

Is it even possible to say what percent of the Genesis creation account is meant to historically true? Dr. Craig responds!...

If God Is All-Good, Why Is There So Much Evil?

Dr. Craig answers a challenge regarding the problem of evil & God's goodness.

Is it Possible to Have Joy in the Midst of Pain?

Dr. Craig shares a powerful example of a woman who had incredible joy and power in the midst of terrible suffering....

Does Dr. Craig’s View of Genesis Discount Supernaturalism and Miracles in the Bible?

Some have said that if one accepts Dr. Craig's view of Genesis, one could just as easily take the same view of other miracles in the Bible. Dr. Craig responds!...

Is There Any Evidence that Homo heidelbergensis Lived in the Middle East?

Dr. Craig comments on the range of various human species.

Does Jordan Peterson Believe in God?

Dr. Craig examines Jordan Peterson's comments on whether or not God exists!