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05 / 06

Is Salvation by Faith Actually Salvation by Works?

Did Ancient People Take Creation Accounts literally or Figuratively?

Dr. Craig answers a question about the original audiences of the ancient creation accounts!

Were Neanderthals Made in the Image of God?

Why Aren’t Fallen Angels Also Reconciled at the Cross?

Dr. Craig answers an ATONEMENT question submitted online following his lecture for Apologia Sweden.

What Is the Difference Between a Sacrament and an Ordinance?

What is Philosophy?

Dr. Craig shares a definition of philosophy from Alvin Plantinga and then comments on what drew him to philosophy in the first place!...

How Can God Make a Decision Without Time?

Alex J. O'Connor, aka. (The) Cosmic Skeptic, presses Dr. Craig on sufficiency, language, and philosophy of time....

What Is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

Which Elements in Genesis 1-3 Existed Literally? Do Figurative Elements Negate Theological Truths?

Was there a real, literal garden of Eden? What about the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the serpent? If some of these elements aren't literally real, would that nega...

Dr. Craig Responds to Hugh Ross's View of God's Own Dimensions of Time

What does Dr. Craig think about Hugh Ross's interesting view of God and time?