
Some of Dr. Craig's lectures for general audiences.

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How Can Jesus Be Both God & Man?

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Is God's Moral Perfection Reducible to His Love?

In September of 2022, Dr. Craig participated in a philosophy conference in Poland on “Christian Philosophy and Its Challenges.” Here he lectures on the topic of divine goodness. Hello! T...

Divine Incorporeality and the Causal Interaction Problem

Dr. Craig gives a technical lecture on Divine Incorporeality for a conference on philosophical theology entitled “Theism: East and West” at the Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, I...

EPS Lecture | Does (Christian) Faith Imply Belief?

Dr. Craig gives a lecture at the annual ETS/EPS conference in November 2021 on an analysis of the nature of faith, specifically "saving" faith. In recent years Christian philosophers have produced a...

The Birth of God

Dr. Craig teaches on the doctrine of the incarnation, discussing its historicity and expounding on its theological significance. This Advent lecture was provided for an online apologetics evangelistic...

Epistemic Justification of Christian Faith for Talbot School of Theology

Dr. Craig gives a virtual lecture for students at Talbot School of Theology on the Christian doctrine of faith and its rational justification.   Hello. This is William Lane Craig. Professor Cr...

Contemporary Expansion Models & Creation Ex Nihilo

Dr. Craig gives a lecture on cosmology via video at the International Congress on Logic, Epistemology, and Methodology in Costa Rica. This congress was an important, professional, philosophical confer...

Why Did Christ Have to Die?

Dr. Craig gives a virtual lecture on the necessity of Christ's atoning death. Special thanks to Apologia Sweden. I'm grateful for the invitation to speak with you today about the question, &...

Does the Universe Have a Cause?

Dr. Craig gives a virtual lecture on the Kalam Cosmological Argument and focuses on a much-neglected aspect of the Kalam, the inference to a transcendent cause of the universe. DR. CRAIG: Hello, I&r...

Does (Saving) Faith Imply Belief? | Talbot School of Theology

Dr. Craig gives a virtual lecture for students at Talbot School of Theology on the nature of faith. Hello! This is William Lane Craig. I’m glad for this opportunity to join my colleagues and f...

On Systematic Philosophical Theology | Talbot School of Theology

Dr. Craig gives a virtual lecture in which he summarizes some of his recent work in writing his systematic philosophical theology. Hello! This is William Lane Craig. This year, for the first time in...