
05 / 06

Is God Temporal or Timeless? - Robert Lawrence Kuhn (part 2)

Is God Temporal or Timeless?

Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of PBS' "Closer to Truth") asks William Lane Craig about God's personal relationship with time. Questions explored: If God is timeless how can He be active in the te...

Is God All Knowing?

Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of PBS' "Closer to Truth") asks William Lane Craig on God's omniscience. Questions explored: What does it mean for God to be omniscience? What is meant by propositio...

How is God the Creator? - Robert Lawrence Kuhn (part 2)

Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of "Closer to Truth") asks William Lane Craig on the nature of God as creator of creation. Question(s) explored: What's God's providence with respect to the created ...

How is God the Creator?

Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of "Closer to Truth") asks William Lane Craig on the nature of God as creator of creation. Question(s) explored: What is creation witih respect to God? How does God's pr...

How Free is God?

Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of PBS' "Closer To Truth") interviews William Lane Craig about God's omnipotence. Questions explored: What can God do? What can God not do? What is an omnipotent God...

Did God Create Time?

Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of PBS' "Closer to Truth") interviews William Lane Craig on time in relation to God. Questions explored: How do you deal with God and time? What is the tensed (aka A-The...

Did God Create Multiple Universes?

Robert Lawrence Kuhn (host of PBS' "Closer to Truth") aks William Lane Craig about the multiverse. Questions explored: Does the multiverse contradict theism? Could God have created the multiverse?...

Did God Create From Nothing? - Robert Lawrence Kuhn (part 3)

Did God Create From Nothing? - Robert Lawrence Kuhn (part 2)