

William Lane Craig Resources. William Lane Craig's products are
available at the Biola Apologetics Web Store.

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Book Title & Description

  • On Being a World Christian

    On Being a World Christian

    An inspiring message on world evangelization, showing that the pessimistic attitude that characterizes many Western Christians is largely a result of their ignorance of the facts of church history and...

  • Re-Discovering the Historical Jesus

    Re-Discovering the Historical Jesus

    The Carver-Barnes Lectures at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary exposing the presuppositions and presumptions of the so-called Jesus Seminar and defending key aspects of the life of Jesus hist...

  • Richard Dawkins and the Case for God’s Existence

    Richard Dawkins and the Case for God’s Existence

    Dr. Craig discusses the nature of philosophical argument and how it relates to, and refutes, Richard Dawkins’ defense of atheism. Dr. Craig specifically cites the cosmological argument as a defe...

  • The Absurdity of Life Without God

    The Absurdity of Life Without God

    Some people dismiss God far too quickly and do not understand that it is impossible to make sense of human experience and the world without reference to an all powerful Creator. Dr. Craig reveals the ...

  • The Cadbury Lectures 2015

    The Cadbury Lectures 2015

    Hosted by the John Hick Centre for Philosophy of Religion. The theme for the 2015 Cadbury Lectures was 'God Over All' , and consisted of a series of lectures given by Professor William Lane Cr...

  • The Dawkins Delusion

    The Dawkins Delusion

    Responding to Dawkins' runaway best-selling book, "The God Delusion," William Lane Craig engages with Dawkin's primary argument for atheism. Craig presents the core of Dawkins' argument, w...

  • The Henry Stob Lectures: “Christian Apologetics: Who Needs It?” and “Advice to Christian Apologists

    The Henry Stob Lectures: “Christian Apologetics: Who Needs It?” and “Advice to Christian Apologists

    The Stob Lectures at Calvin College and Theological Seminary delivered by Dr. Craig. A robust apologetic for Christian apologetics and important advice to those whom God is calling into this arena....