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for "Suffering"


End-Time Apologetics & Suffering | Christian Open Academy Interview

Dr. Craig answers questions about the signs of the times, physical eschatology, war and suffering, and apologetics.

Life’s Meaning, Debates, Suffering, Doubt, Hell, & the Case for God

Dr. Craig tackles a host of topics spanning his life's work and experience.

Can Atheists Live a Moral Life?

Dr. Craig discusses atheistic grounds for morality and The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky. INTERVIEWER: One of the quotes from the author Dostoyevsky was that if there is no immortality – in other words, I guess another way of saying that “if t...

for "molinism"


Molinism vs. Calvinism: The Problem of Evil - William Lane Craig & James White

In a much-anticipated exchange, Dr. Craig and James White debate one another on Molinism and Calvinism, especially as it relates to the problem of evil. Transcript JAMES WHITE: If we're going to say that the great Yahweh is limited in what he can do (wha...

4:2 - Molinism & Middle Knowledge | Advanced Course - The Attributes of God

Section Four: Divine Omniscience Part Two: Molinism & Middle Knowledge Check out section four of this 17-part graduate-level course from Dr. Craig on the divine attributes. This unique one-week intensive taught at Houston Christian University is divided i...

Is God's Omniscience Contingent Upon His Creation?

Dr. Craig responds to a critique of Molinism based on rejecting counterfactuals.

for "molinism" under all entries


Does God Really Know What I'll Do in the Future?

divine foreknowledge, molinism, free will,

New Questions From Facebook Part 2

gender identity, molinism, apologetics,

Questions From Facebook

molinism, evolution, time,