Reasonable Faith Video Podcast

Video Podcasts

The Origins of Aggressive Atheism

What are some characteristics of the New Atheist movement?   Transcript The Origins of Aggressive Atheism KEVIN HARRIS: Welcome to Reasonable Faith with Dr. William Lane Craig. I’m Kevin...

Are Humans the Center of the Universe?

An exchange between two prominent philosophers in the New York Times brings up interesting issues on God, fine-tuning, and cosmology.   Transcript Are Humans the Center of the Universe? KEVIN ...

A Viral Video on the Problem of Evil

Actor Stephen Fry says God is a 'maniac"! Dr. Craig discusses two aspects of the Problem of Evil shown in Fry's statements.   Transcript KEVIN HARRIS: Several people have sent us a vid...

Issues of Same-Sex Marriage

Two recent articles shed light on the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on marriage.   Transcript Issues of Same-Sex Marriage KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig, we have two articles to look at here concerni...

Religion's Smart People Problem

Several recent articles claim that the really smart people are not Christians or religious. Is it true and does it matter?   Transcript KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig, there are not a lot of smart Ch...

More Questions From Facebook

A group on Facebook called Christian Apologetics Alliance offers questions for Dr. Craig on a variety of topics.   Transcript More Questions from Facebook Kevin Harris: There is a great group ...

A Year Without God Aftermath

An update on the former pastor who made headlines vowing to spend a year without God.   Transcript A Year Without God Aftermath Kevin Harris: Dr. Craig, we've done prior podcasts[1] on Rya...

Is Atheism Winning?

Did author Lee Strobel actually say that? What is happening in Western Culture and China concerning the Christian Faith?   Transcript Is Atheism Winning? Kevin Harris: Well, Dr. Craig, atheism...

God Explodes the Wall Street Journal

A recent article on the Fine-Tuning Argument for God in the Wall Street Journal set records for the publication! Dr. Craig comments on it and addresses some of the opposition.   Transcript God ...

The First Split Second of the Universe

Using a segment of a Sean Carroll interview. Dr. Craig discusses the beginning of the universe, certainty, and science.   Transcript The First Split Second of the Universe Kevin Harris: Welcom...