Reasonable Faith Video Podcast

Video Podcasts

Responding to YouTube Critics

KEVIN HARRIS: Bill, let’s hear from some friends and some who are not so friendly who have commented on your work. We are going to start with Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis. Before we go to the v...

Two Experts on the Resurrection

KEVIN HARRIS: A blogger who goes by Andrew has gotten my attention. He writes prolifically on his deconstruction of his Christian faith. By the way, “deconstruction” these days means every...

Analysis of Ancient Humans

KEVIN HARRIS: “New analysis of ancient human protein could unlock secrets of evolution.” This article, by Robin McKie, science editor for The Guardian[1], begins by saying, Tiny traces o...

Part Two: Swinburne vs Dawkins on the Mystery of Existence

KEVIN HARRIS: Welcome back to Reasonable Faith with Dr. William Lane Craig. Hey, it’s Kevin Harris! Let’s pick up where we left off last time with this panel discussion that produced some ...

Part One: Swinburne vs Dawkins on the Mystery of Existence

KEVIN HARRIS: Premier Unbelievable in the UK recently joined The Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast and the Global Philosophy of Religion Project at the University of Birmingham in hosting a panel discussi...

Has the Webb Telescope Disproved the Big Bang?

KEVIN HARRIS: Hey there! It’s Kevin Harris. Welcome to Reasonable Faith with Dr. William Lane Craig. Today we get a chance to fill in some blanks perhaps on the Big Bang. How has the Big Bang he...

The New Abortion Challenge

KEVIN HARRIS: Bill, people know from listening to you that you have a real heart in this issue – the issue of the unborn, the issue of abortion. You comment on it from time to time. This is a Ne...

Questions on the Unevangelized, Atheism, and God's Favorite Color

KEVIN HARRIS: Bill, we have questions from people from different parts of the world and various countries today that have come in to Let’s look at a few of these. This first...

Gender Altering Surgery

Dr. Craig looks at some of the latest research on the effects of gender-altering surgery and procedures. KEVIN HARRIS: Bill, you're in a position as a noted philosopher and a Christian leader th...

The Kalam, Molinism, and Personal Questions

Dr. Craig answers questions on the Kalam Argument, Molinism, the Atonement, and some personal questions about his current life and work. KEVIN HARRIS: An avalanche of questions, Bill! We want t...