Reasonable Faith Video Podcast

Video Podcasts

An Atheist's Response to a Muslim

Dr. Craig interacts with an exchange between an atheist and a Muslim. “An Atheist's Response to a Muslim” KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig, an atheist blogger has responded[1] to a Muslim art...

Science and the A-Theory of Time

Dr. Craig evaluates a critique of the A-theory of time. “Science and the A-Theory of Time” KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig, we’ve interacted with some of the work of Jonathan MS Pearce fro...

How Atheists Get It Wrong - Part Two

Many think the recent book by atheist philosopher Tim Crane is an important work. Including atheist Keith Parsons. Dr. Craig weighs in. KEVIN HARRIS: This is interesting down at the bottom.[1] But ...

How Atheists Get It Wrong - Part One

Many think the recent book by atheist philosopher Tim Crane is an important work. Including atheist Keith Parsons. Dr. Craig weighs in.   KEVIN HARRIS: Hey, thanks for joining us on Reasonable ...

Avoiding Exaggerated Claims

A Humanist blogger says exaggerated claims about Christianity creates atheists! KEVIN HARRIS: Bill, you’ve talked about exaggerated claims in the past. You’ve said, Don’t overstate ...

The Prevalence of the "Prosperity Gospel"

How is the so-called Prosperity Gospel influencing today's churches?   KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig, if I give a financial donation to Reasonable Faith, do you think God will give me a new car? ...

Nancy Pearcey's "Love Thy Body" - Part One

Dr. Craig discusses Nancy Pearcey's newest book and an interview with her.   KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig, a couple of your colleagues at Biola had a chance to interview Nancy Pearcey on their p...

A Father Defends His Transgender Child

A writer recounts the struggles involved in parenting a transgender child.   KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig, when I was six years old I jumped into the deep end of the pool, and someone had to pull me...

Nancy Pearcey's "Love Thy Body" - Part Two

Dr. Craig continues his discussion on Nancy Pearcey's newest book and an interview with her.   KEVIN HARRIS: Bill, this brings up two things I want to run past you. One is same-sex parentin...

Dr. Craig's Newest Book

Dr. Craig has compiled his extensive research on the Atonement into a new book.   KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig – your newest book: The Atonement. That is a beautiful cover. DR. CRAIG: This wa...