PLAY Podcasts

Doctrine of the Last Things (Part 11): Delay of the Parousia Continued

Doctrine of the Last Things (Part 12): Parables of the Delay of the Parousia

Doctrine of the Last Things (Part 13): Final Thoughts on the Time of the Second Coming

Doctrine of the Last Things (Part 14): Practical Application of the Second Coming of Christ

Doctrine of the Last Things (Part 15): The Millenium

Doctrine of the Last Things (Part 16): Postmillennialism & Premillennialism

Doctrine of the Last Things (Part 17): State of the Soul after Death

Doctrine of the Last Things (Part 18): State of the Soul after Death: Jesus’ Argument with the Sadducees

Doctrine of the Last Things (Part 19): Immortality in the New Testament

Doctrine of the Last Things (Part 20): The Souls of the Unrighteous Dead