Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


Christopher Hitchens and Death

Popular writer Christopher Hitchens is struggling with cancer and is writing on his atheism and death. Dr. Craig reflects on his debates with Hitchens as well as Hitchens' recent comments.

Curiosity With Stephen Hawking

Dr. Craig reviews a recent TV show in which Stephen Hawking denies the existence of God. What is Dr. Hawking's "killer argument" in this program?

Speaking and Debating in the UK

Dr. Craig's October 2011 trip to the UK will cover some of the major universities and other venues. Leading atheist Dr. Richard Dawkins' refusal to debate Dr. Craig during this tour has gotten

Dr. Craig's Favorite Philosopher, Debate, and Books

Who is Dr. Craig’s favorite philosopher, the most influential book, and the best debate he’s been in? Dr. Craig discusses life-changing people and events in his life.

Some Bible Questions

Dr. Craig answers some Bible questions concerning the authorship of the gospels, the date of Jesus' birth, the Bart Ehrman debate, and whether today's Christians are to tithe.

Relationship with God and Divine Simplicity

The state of the Ontological Argument for God: ruled out of professional philosophy? If God lacks nothing, why would a will even be needed? Doesn't the Trinity require that God is complex rather t

God, Abstract Objects, Platonism, and Logic

Do objects exist apart from God? Is Platonism true? Is there an Ontological argument against God?

Questions on Molinism, Compatibilism, and Free Will

What About Natural Evil?

Are natural disasters judgements from God?

Questions on the Evidence for the Resurrection

Questions on the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus.