Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


Two Arguments Against God

If God is perfect, why would He create anything else? How would we know whether God is lying to us for our own good?

Establishing the Crucifixion of Jesus

To what extent must we establish the crucifixion before examining the evidence for the resurrection? Dr. Craig interacts with blogs and Bart Ehrman.

Is Mormonism in Decline?

Some reports say Mormons are leaving their church in record numbers! But Dr. Craig gets to the heart of the matter!

How to Debate a Christian Apologist Part 2

Dr. Craig continues to examine common debate topics like 'getting something from nothing', 'Pascal's Wager', and the problem of non-belief

How to Debate a Christian Apologist

Atheist physicist Dr. Victor Stenger lists items the non-theist will encounter in a debate with theists and how to respond

The Problem With Christian Apologetics

The new movie God's Not Dead draws criticism on the use of reason and apologetics from a Brooklyn Bishop. Dr. Craig offers some correction

Questions From Facebook

Sometimes we'll ask for questions from our Facebook friends for our podcasts. Today's questions include, "Does Molinism allow a person to boast?", and , "Does Evolution require an A-Theory of

Have Christians Missed This Fact?

A writer says Christians have missed an important fact. Dr. Craig checks it out.

The End of Apologetics Part 2

Dr. Craig continues his thoughts on a recent book that is critical of Dr. Craig's philosophy and apologetics ministry

The End of Apologetics Part 1

A recent award-winning book declares 'The End of Apologetics'. It critiques Dr. Craig in particular. What is Dr. Craig's response?