Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


Questions on Greatest Being Theology, Certainty, and the Moral Argument

Dr. Craig answers follow-up questions to some recent Questions of the Week

Timeless Questions About Time

Dr. Craig receives some common questions about the nature of time and it's relationship to God

Is the Watchmaker Argument Still Valid?

Some say William Paley's famous "Watchmaker" argument has been refuted. But has it?

Topics in Defenders Class

Dr. Craig discusses the hot topics covered in his recent Defenders class.

Does Evolution Explain Religious Belief? (Part 2)

Dr. Craig continues his commentary on a New York Times interview with two prominent philosophers on God and science.

Does Evolution Explain Religious Belief? (Part 1)

Dr. Craig reviews a New York Times interview between philosophers Michael Ruse and Gary Gutting on science and God.

The End of the Discovery of Physics

Dr. Craig comments on an interview with George Ellis in Scientific American in which Ellis declares we may have reached the end of what we can discover in physics

The End of Philosophy of Religion

Many are calling for the elimination of Philosophy of Religion departments at universities. Agnostic philosopher Paul Draper offers insights.
What is Philosophy of Religion?" by Paul Draper http

The End of the Universe

Stephen Hawking says the "God Particle" could destroy the universe! Is this the end?

Mutant Christianity

Dr. Craig looks at trends indicating a distortion of biblical Christianity among young people and offers some solutions.