Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


Sam Harris and Jerry Coyne: Science vs. Religion Part 5

This series concludes with a discussion of free will and determinism. Are criminals determined to commit crimes against their will?

Sam Harris and Jerry Coyne: Science vs. Religion Part 4

Dr. Craig continues his commentary on an interview between Sam Harris and Jerry Coyne as free speech, morality, and free will are discussed

Sam Harris and Jerry Coyne: Science vs. Religion Part 3

How do popular non-theists Sam Harris and Jerry Coyne define faith?

Sam Harris and Jerry Coyne: Science vs. Religion Part 2

Does the scientist exercise faith in the laboratory and in daily life?

Sam Harris and Jerry Coyne: Science vs. Religion Part 1

Dr. Craig begins a series interacting with prominent non-theists Sam Harris and Jerry Coyne. Are science and religion in different domains and therefore cannot overlap?

Recent Responses to the Kalam Argument

The argument made famous by Dr. Craig continues to stir up controversy! He responds to some recent analysis in this podcast.

Questions on Pain, Numbers, and Knowledge

Dr. Craig takes questions from France, Sweden, and other parts of the world concerning the problem of pain, numbers, propositional knowledge, and answering atheist assertions.

God Discussion in the New York Times Part 2

Dr. Craig continues his interaction with two prominent philosophers in the New York Times

God Discussion in the New York Times Part 1

Two prominent philosophers, Gary Gutting and Michael Ruse, discuss God, science, and philosophy in the New York Times.

Do Christians Have a Persecution Complex?

Should Christians always expect persecution?