Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


A Christian Musician Leaves the Faith

Many listeners have asked Dr. Craig to comment on the report of a Christian musician who claims that Richard Dawkins was instrumental in his deconversion.

Five Steps to Atheism

A former preacher lists five steps that led to his atheism. Dr. Craig not only offers answers but insight into the process of deconversion itself.

Doubt and Certainty

Dr. Craig examines an article in the New York Times on God and doubt.

Debate With Dr. Kevin Scharp Part 3

Dr. Craig discusses critiques of the Moral Argument, and Christian apologetics in general, which came up during the dialogue.

Debate With Dr. Kevin Scharp Part 2

Part Two of a rousing debate that included probability, deductive arguments, and arguments from religious experience

Debate With Dr. Kevin Scharp Part 1

It was expected to be a rather routine dialogue. It became a rigorous debate!

The Adventures of Young William Lane Craig

Dr. Craig recently had some interesting challenges! Not only in his speaking schedule, but in his home!

Sharing Your Faith With Muslims

At a recent university lecture, Dr. Craig was asked about sharing Christ with Muslims

Questions About Science and Certainty

Will science eventually give us all the answers?

Questions About Quantum Mechanics, Apathy, and the Gospels

Dr. Craig gives some good advice, as well answers, to listener's questions.