Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


Dr. Greg Boyd's New Manifesto - Part One

Dr. Craig offers thoughts on controversial theologian Greg Boyd's call to re-think much of Christianity

Questions on the Soul, Fine Tuning, and a Maximally Great Being

Dr. Craig answers questions about what happens to the soul at death, clarifications on the Argument from Fine Tuning, and the Ontological Argument.

What Is Wrong With America?

A Nigerian man asks Dr. Craig to reflect on the spiritual state of America

Questions on the Moral Argument and Animal Suffering

Some listeners are stumped by internet questions on the Moral Argument, animal suffering, and what is feasible for God. Dr. Craig helps out.

Dr. Craig's Next Projects

What is Dr. Craig working on and how does he pick the topics he studies?

Apologetics Against Christian Apologetics

Dr. Craig takes a look at a writer who tries to counter everything in Christian apologetics with atheistic apologetics.

Does God Rescue or Redeem?

Does the resurrection of Jesus show that God always rescues or always redeems?

Secular Bloggers Challenge Dr. Craig

What are some of the top secular bloggers saying about Dr. Craig these days?

The Center of the Universe and Spooky Dark Energy

Dr. Craig examines science articles about the center of the universe, whether all is an illusion, and dark energy. Kevin is just confused!

Is It Time to Retire Theistic Evolution?

Some commentators are saying the term "Theistic Evolution" is unnecessary and even misleading. Dr. Craig weighs in.