Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


Are Christian Apologists Fighting the Wrong Battle?

Is atheism the biggest threat to Christianity?

Is Molinism Biblical?

Dr. Craig responds to a critique by the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.

Refusing to Soften the Atonement

Various voices in the Christian church are denigrating the meaning of Christ's blood atonement.

The Nashville Statement

An Evangelical group recently drafted a biblical statement on human sexuality. Dr. Craig offers his thoughts on the Statement.


The Latest News Update From Reasonable Faith

Dr. Craig discusses his upcoming debates, work on the Atonement, and video production going on at Reasonable Faith.


Questions From All Over the World, Part 3

Dr. Craig fields questions sent to him from all over the globe, including topics such as the Atonement, a Christian view of work, free will, evolution, and how to deal with doubt.


Questions From All Over the World, Part 2

Dr. Craig fields questions sent to him from all over the globe, including topics such as the Atonement, a Christian view of work, free will, evolution, and how to deal with doubt.

Questions From All Over the World, Part 1

Dr. Craig fields questions sent to him from all over the globe, including topics such as the Atonement, a Christian view of work, free will, evolution, and how to deal with doubt.

The New Theistic Evolutionists

Dr. Craig comments on a growing Theistic Evolutionist movement.

The Debate on Apologetic Methodology

Dr. Craig listens to excerpts from a debate between a Classical and a Presuppositional apologist.