Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


Evan Fales on God and Perfect Creatures

Dr. Craig comments on an interview with atheist philosopher Evan Fales on some aspects of the Problem of Evil

Wes Morriston: Problem of Evil and Moral Argument (Part 2)

Dr Craig interacts with a Wes Morriston interview on the Problem of Evil and the Moral Argument

Wes Morriston: Problem of Evil and Moral Argument (Part 1)

Dr Craig interacts with a Wes Morriston interview on the Problem of Evil and the Moral Argument

Michael Strauss Takes on Hawking and Mloldinow

Three big questions are discussed from The Grand Design by Hawking and Mlodinow

The Power of Reasonable Faith Videos

Dr. Craig goes behind the scenes of the production of the very popular Reasonable Faith videos

Paul Moser and the Hiddenness of God (Part 2)

Dr. Craig listens as two atheists interview Christian philosopher Paul Moser on the 'Hiddenness of God'

Paul Moser and the Hiddenness of God (Part 1)

Dr. Craig listens as two atheists interview Christian philosopher Paul Moser on the 'Hiddenness of God'

What is the Correct View of the Atonement? (Part 2)

Dr. Craig considers whether his recent writing on the Atonement may be his most important work!

What is the Correct View of the Atonement? (Part 1)

Dr. Craig interacts with Greg Boyd on a proper view of the Atonement

Questions on God and Gender, Eternal Life, and the Resurrection

Dr. Craig fields questions from Australia, Iran, and the U.S.