Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


Misunderstandings About God and the Big Bang

Dr. Craig offers corrections on an article from Dr. Danny Faulkner criticizing Dr. Craig's work on the Kalam Cosmological Argument.

Insect Extinction and Natural Evil

Dr. Craig reviews an alarming report on insect extinction and draws some theological implications.

An Atheist Answers Dr. Craig's Five Points

How well does an atheist biologist and blogger understand Dr. Craig's five points on the existence of God?

Is the New Atheism Dead?

One former "New Atheist" seems to think so!

Is God Simple or Complex?

Dr. Craig was on a recent panel discussion on Divine Simplicity. Here is an overview of the fascinating topic.

Dr. Craig's Latest Work on the Historical Adam and Eve

Dr. Craig updates us on his progress as he studies the historical Adam and Eve.

Reaction to the New York Times Interview, Part 2

Dr. Craig listens and responds to a Christian talk show reaction to his New York Times interview.

Reaction to the New York Times Interview, Part 1

Dr. Craig takes a look at the avalanche of published responses to his New York Times interview.

Dr Craig's Interview in the New York Times

Dr. Craig takes us behind the scenes of his interview with Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times concerning the truth of Christianity.

What's Been Going on at Reasonable Faith