Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


Are Faith and Reason Opposed to Each Other? (Part 1)

Dr. Craig checks out an atheist blogger writing about Tim Keller and Evolution.

Three Things You Need to Know About William Lane Craig

A theology blog offers three things about Dr. Craig. Does Dr. Craig agree with them?

Scientists Discuss Reformed Epistemology

Scientists try to understand Dr. Craig's view on Reformed Epistemology.

Dr. Craig's Secret Weapon

Dr. Craig gives some history behind the amazing support of his wife, Jan. In a rare moment, he and Kevin become very emotional at the end of the podcast.

What is the Firmament?

Does the Bible teach that a solid dome existed above earth's atmosphere?

John Walton's View of Genesis, Part Two

Dr. Craig addresses critiques of his objections to John Walton's views on the early chapters of Genesis

John Walton's View of Genesis, Part One

In his Defenders Class, Dr. Craig has been discussing Genesis, including the controversial views of Dr. John Walton

A God Problem

Dr. Craig discusses a New York Times article that questions the coherence of Theism.

Has Christian Apologetics Failed?

Are popular speakers like Jordan Peterson more effective than apologetics at pointing to the truth of Christianity?

A Conversation With Sir Roger Penrose

Dr. Craig talks about his recent one-on-one conversations with the renowned mathematician and physicist.