Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


Has Bart Ehrman Changed His Mind?

Dr. Bart Ehrman recently wrote about a revelatory moment about God.

Church Asks Elderly Members to Leave

Dr. Craig is astonished by a report of a church asking elderly members to leave.

Prayer for the Resurrection of a Child

A popular church prayed that a deceased child would come back to life. Dr. Craig offers insight on the prayer that went viral.

A Tribute to Phillip Johnson

Dr. Craig reflects on the life of Phillip Johnson and his contributions to the Intelligent Design movement.

Josh Swamidass in Christianity Today

Dr. Craig interacts with Christianity Today's interview with Josh Swamidass and the research on the historical Adam and Eve.

Godless Mom Ponders Something From Nothing

An atheist mom blogs about how something can come from nothing.

Josh Swamidass on Adam and Eve - PART 2

 Dr. Swamidass discusses his recent  book on the historical Adam and Eve.

Josh Swamidass on Adam and Eve - PART 1

 Dr. Swamidass discusses his recent  book on the historical Adam and Eve.

Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Doubts His Faith

NFL Quarterback Aaron Rodgers questions Christianity on a recent podcast. Dr. Craig offers some help.

The Latest News From Reasonable Faith

Hot topics dominated the recent events Dr. Craig has attended!