Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


Disrupting Skeptics

Dr. Craig elaborates on research that shows how "disruptions" lead skeptics to consider the claims of Christ.

Questions on Experiencing God, Sexuality, and Transworld Depravity

A variety of questions answered including the inner experience of God, sexuality, actual infinities, and Alvin Plantinga's view on Transworld Depravity.

Genesis as Mytho-History and Scott Clifton Conversation

Dr. Craig converses with Emmy-winning actor Scott Clifton and also discusses criticism of his work on Genesis.

Two Recent Supreme Court Cases

Dr. Craig considers two recent Supreme Court verdicts to be very positive in the fight to protect religious liberty.

Is There Value in Debating Atheists?

Some think debating atheists is a waste of time. Dr. Craig disagrees!

Part Human, Part Monkey

Recent Experiments on Human-monkey Embryonic Hybrids Are a Cause for Concern.

Government Report on UFOs

Dr. Craig discusses the theological implications of life on other planets.

Update on Writing Systematic Philosophical Theology

Dr. Craig relates some new insights on the topics he's writing about in his Systematic Philosophical Theology project.

Questions on God's Justice, Inclusivism, and Mental Illness

Are God's justice and mercy mutually exclusive? Dr. Craig also addresses Inclusivism, and the salvation of those with mental illnesses.

Questions on Traversing an Infinite, Adam and Eve, and Theistic Personalism

The unusual concepts of infinity come up often! Dr. Craig also answers issues with the historical Adam and Eve, and Theistic Personalism.