Reasonable Faith Podcast

Reasonable Faith is a conversational program dealing with the most important apologetic questions of our day.

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The Son Rises

The first in a series of podcasts on some of Dr. Craig's influential books. The Son Rises came out of his initial work on the resurrection of Jesus..


Evidentialism and Reformed Epistemology

An overview of one of the most misunderstood views upon which Dr. Craig has spoken!

Famed professor John Warwick Montgomery comments on Dr. Craig's work on The Atonement

Dr. Craig responds to an article by Dr. John Warwick Montgomery discussing his lecture on the atonement at the ETS/EPS meeting in 2018. Dr. Montgomery was Dr. Craig's first apologetics professor a

What Makes a Fetus a Person?

Dr. Craig examines what a legal scholar writes in the New York Times concerning the personhood and dependency of the unborn child.

Science Stopped Backing Atheism

Dr. Craig reviews a Newsweek article by Dr. Stephen Meyer on how scientific evidence points more towards God than atheism.

Questions on Quantum Mechanics, Certainty, and Extreme Resistance

A variety of questions including how to deal with a family member who is extremely resistant to God, and how much certainty is required to believe Christianity is true.

Multiverse, Movies, and The Self

Questions about the popularity of the multiverse in movies, vocational calling, the supernatural, and Genesis.

The Overturning of Roe v. Wade

Dr. Craig addresses this monumental decision and offers suggestions on what actions to take now.

Questions on Atonement, Existentialism, and Purpose

Questions about Christ's deity and the atonement, the value of work, and evolution's purpose.

The Impact of Dr. Craig's Book on The Atonement

Dr. Roger Olson writes a review of Dr. Craig's book and a recent conference on the Atonement of Christ.

The Christian Platonism of C.S. Lewis

Was C.S. Lewis in any way a Platonist?