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WLC Reacts! to Odin and the Frost Giants

Dr. Craig's quick take on a social media atheist quip.

TIK TOK VIDEO: Why don't you believe in God? . . . Probably for the same reason that you don't believe in the 3,000 other gods that humanity has believed in over the past ten thousand years. Although, food for thought: Yahweh, the Christian God, promised to get rid of the sinful people, whereas Odin promised to get rid of a bunch of frost giants. I see a whole lot of sinful people around this planet doing a lot of really horrendous stuff; however, I don't see any giants or frost giants. Food for thought. Bye!

DR. CRAIG: Well, the intellectual power of this objection is rather underwhelming. I would say, first of all, that there's good evidence to believe that there's a transcendent creator and designer of the universe based on cosmological and other considerations. But then also I would say that this young man has a fundamental misunderstanding of the God of the Bible. Yahweh, the God of the Bible, never promised to get rid of sinners. What Yahweh promised is that he would save sinners, that he loves the world so much that he would send his Son to die for them. But when you look at the world today, what you find is that the Christian faith from its inauspicious beginnings in first century Palestine over twenty centuries has grown into the world's largest religion adhered to by well over a billion people and is expanding today throughout the globe. So we see pretty good evidence that Yahweh is succeeding in winning sinners to himself and bringing them into relationship with him.