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Why Should Churches Engage in Apologetics?

Dr. Craig comments on what is at stake if churches disengage in Christian apologetics.

INTERVIEWER: What do you think is at stake for churches, and why should churches spend time investing resources and time with apologetics – local churches?

DR. CRAIG: There are a number of reasons that could be given for this, but to cut to the simplest reason I think it is if we don't do this we're going to lose our youth. Our kids in high school and university are under a barrage of criticism, overwhelming naturalism and secularism combined with relativism about ethics and religion. Quite honestly, if we do not, from a very young age, teach our children the rational foundations for faith then increasingly they're going to walk away from it in high school and university. So for the sake of your own children I would implore you to study apologetics and to teach it to your children simply at first and then with increasing depth as they grow older.

INTERVIEWER: Amen. A verse you allude to often in your debates and one that's meant a lot to me is from 1 Peter 3. If you're ever looking for a reason biblically to learn how to offer a defense of your faith, this is it. 1 Peter says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

DR. CRAIG: Yes. And the word there for “answer” is apologia which connotes a defense as in a court of law – to present a case for the truth of the Christian worldview.

INTERVIEW: Yeah. That's awesome.