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WLC Reacts! to Physicist Michio Kaku and Older Galaxies

Dr. William Lane Craig watches and responds to a video of theoretical physicist Michio Kaku about the James Webb space telescope and newly discovered, much older galaxies. DR. KAKU: Well, that's...

WLC Reacts! to Ricky Gervais on Why He Trusts Science

Dr. William Lane Craig responds to an exchange between Ricky Gervais and Stephen Colbert on trusting in science vs. religion. STEPHEN COLBERT: You are just believing Stephen Hawking and that’s...

Worst Birthday Present Stephen Hawking Ever Received (or Sorry, but the Universe had a Beginning)

The January 2012 issue of New Scientist reports that on Stephen Hawking's birthday, Alexander Vilenkin gave a lecture in his "honor." Apparently, the lecture by Vilenkin declared: "All the evidenc...

Would Different Kinds of Life be Possible with Different Fundamental Constants & Quantities?

DR. CRAIG: You might be thinking at this point, but if the constants and quantities had had different values, then maybe different forms of life might have evolved. But that underestimates the really ...

Would Life Be Possible Given Different Constants?

For more resources from Reasonable Faith visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org In February 2016, Dr Craig spoke at Kennesaw State University, where Richard Dawkins had drawn a large crowd just over a ...

Would Multiple Universes Require Multiple Gods?

Dr. Craig was invited to speak at the Worldview Apologetics Conference hosted at Westminster Chapel in Bellevue, WA in April of 2017.Following his lecture titled "Why Does Anything at All Exist?" Dr. ...

Would the Real Ontological Argument Please Stand Up?

Dr. Craig responds to a caricature of the Ontological Argument and presents the actual premises of the argument. VIDEO: Let's start with everyone's favorite argument for God, and if this isn...