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William Lane Craig Q&A: Where Is the Resurrected Body of Jesus?

During his 2013 Australia Speaking Tour, Dr William Lane Craig spoke at Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Broadway. Afterward, there was a lengthy Q&A; time for people to text in their questions for ...

William Lane Craig Q&A: Why Am I Not Moved By Evidence for God?

    During his 2013 Australia Speaking Tour, Dr William Lane Craig spoke at Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Broadway. Afterward, there was a lengthy Q&A; time for people to text in t...

William Lane Craig Q&A: Why Can't Mathematics Be A Happy Coincidence?

Why can't the applicability of mathematics to the natural world be a happy coincidence? This is a question that Dr William Lane Craig answered during the 2013 Apologetics Canada Conference questio...

William Lane Craig Q&A: Why Can't the Multiverse Be Eternal?

Why can't the multiverse be eternal? This is a question that Dr William Lane Craig answered during the 2013 Apologetics Canada Conference question and answer period....

William Lane Craig Q&A: Why Should I Believe In Christianity?

During his 2013 Australia Speaking Tour, Dr William Lane Craig spoke at Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Broadway. Afterward, there was a lengthy Q&A; time for people to text in their questions for ...

William Lane Craig Responds to Nietzsche's Critique of Christian Morality

On March 1, 2013, Dr William Lane Craig gave a lecture at Simon Fraser University on the topic, "Is Faith In God Reasonable?" This event was sponsored by the following SFU Clubs: University Christian ...

William Lane Craig Responds to Rationality Rules!

Rationality Rules takes issue with some of Dr. Craig's comments on epistemic standards, and Dr. Craig responds! STEPHEN: And because it's worth believing, because it makes him feel warm and ...

William Lane Craig vs Alex Rosenberg on Intentional States of Consciousness In the World

What are intentional states of consciousness? Are states of consciousness plausible on either a theistic or atheistic worldview? This clip shows the exchange between Dr William Lane Craig and Dr Alex ...

William Lane Craig vs Alex Rosenberg on the Problem of Evil: Part 1

What is the "Problem of Evil?" Does the problem of evil prove atheism? This is the first of two clips showing the exchange between Dr William Lane Craig and Dr Alex Rosenberg on the problem of evil. O...

William Lane Craig vs Alex Rosenberg on the Problem of Evil: Part 2

What is the "Problem of Evil?" Does the problem of evil prove atheism? This is the second of two clips showing the exchange between Dr William Lane Craig and Dr Alex Rosenberg on the problem of evil. ...