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William Lane Craig Q&A: Don't Things Come From Nothing All the Time?

During his 2013 Australia Speaking Tour, Dr William Lane Craig spoke at Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Broadway. Afterward, there was a lengthy Q&A; time for people to text in their questions for ...

William Lane Craig Q&A: How Can I Believe In A God Who Allows Evil?

How can I believe in a God who allows evil in the world? This question raises the problem of evil and suffering in the world. This is a question that Dr William Lane Craig answered during the 2013 Apo...

William Lane Craig Q&A: How Should Believers Deal with Overlooked Sin?

During his 2013 Australia Speaking Tour, Dr William Lane Craig spoke at Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Broadway. Afterward, there was a lengthy Q&A; time for people to text in their questions for ...

William Lane Craig Q&A: If God Knows My Decisions How Do I Have Free Will?

If God knows my decisions before I make them, does that mean I am not making free choices? What is Divine Fatalism? What impact does God's foreknowledge have on  decision making? This is a qu...

William Lane Craig Q&A: Is Determinism Gaining In Popularity?

Is Determinism gaining in popularity? Given Naturalism, does Determinism follow? This is a question that Dr William Lane Craig answered during the 2013 Apologetics Canada Conference question and answe...

William Lane Craig Q&A: Is Jesus the Only Way to God?

Is Jesus the only way to God? How should Christians speak to someone who has questions about Christian particularism? This is a question that Dr William Lane Craig answered during the 2013 Apologetics...

William Lane Craig Q&A: Was God Dead for Three Days?

During his 2013 Australia Speaking Tour, Dr William Lane Craig spoke at Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Broadway. Afterward, there was a lengthy Q&A; time for people to text in their questions for ...

William Lane Craig Q&A: Was There Animal Death Before Adam's Sin?

During his 2013 Australia Speaking Tour, Dr William Lane Craig spoke at Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Broadway. Afterward, there was a lengthy Q&A; time for people to text in their questions for ...

William Lane Craig Q&A: What Does the Apostle Paul Say About Homosexuality in the New Testament?

    During his 2013 Australia Speaking Tour, Dr William Lane Craig spoke at Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Broadway. Afterward, there was a lengthy Q&A; time for people to text in t...

William Lane Craig Q&A: What Is Hell? Is Hell Compatible with a Loving God?

What is hell? Is hell compatible with an all-loving God? This is a question that Dr William Lane Craig answered during the 2013 Apologetics Canada Conference question and answer period....