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Why is the Hallucination Hypothesis of the Resurrection Implausible?

While Dr William Lane Craig was on his 2013 Australian speaking tour, he spoke at the Sydney University Evangelical Union on the resurrection of Jesus.  After his talk, he answered a number of qu...

Why Is the Notion of Penal Substitution So Controversial?

Dr. Craig talks about why the theory of penal substitutionary atonement tends to be controversial.

Why Is the Traditional View of Adam Being Challenged?

Dr. Craig summarizes some key factors in the recent rise of non-traditional views on Adam.

Why is the Universe Contingent?

On April 18th, 2012 William Lane Craig and Klemens Kappel debated the topic "Does God Exist?" in Copenhagen, Denmark. After the debate there was a lengthy question and answer period with the audience....

Why Is the Universe So Vast?

For more resources from Reasonable Faith visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org In March 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig went on a 16-day speaking trip to Singapore and Hong Kong. In both places a two-day...

Why Might the Left & Right Push Back on Dr. Craig's Adam Book?

Dr. Sean McDowell asks Dr. Craig about a line at the very beginning of his book anticipating disagreement on both sides of the historical Adam discussion....

Why Must God be a Personal Being Instead of a Non-Rational Life Force?

In December of 2019, Dr. Craig was a featured keynote at the EPS Apologetics Conference hosted at Maranatha Chapel in San Diego, California. Following his talk entitled "3 Reasons God Exists," Dr. Cra...

Why Must the Cause of the Universe Be Personal and Not Impersonal?

In 2011 Dr William Lane Craig spoke at the Forum of Christian Leaders (FOCL) in Hungary. While they he spoke on the topic, "Five Arguments for Theism" and took questions from the audience to accompany...

Why Must the Cause of the Universe Transcend Time?

On March 22, 2001 Dr William Lane Craig debated Dr Massimo Pigliucci on the topic, "Does the Christian God Exist?" at University of Georgia in the U.G.A. Chapel. The conclusion of the debate provided ...

Why Only One Creator and Not Many?

In March 2015, Dr William Lane Craig delivered the Cadbury Lectures at the University of Birmingham in the UK. The honor of being invited to deliver these prestigious lectures was especially meaningfu...