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What's to Be Made of the Conflict Between God's Wrath and His Moral Character?

Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas hosted Dr. Craig in February of 2018 for a series of lectures and discussions. Following his lecture titled "Is Penal Substitution Unjust?" Dr. Craig answers a q...

When Did Adam and Eve First Possess a Soul?

Dr. Craig discusses the possibility of "Emergentism" in his approach to the historical Adam and Eve! INTERVIEWER: In Defenders you talk about different views of the origins of the soul, and one of t...

When Did Adam Live?

What does science say about the age of the human race and its possible connection to the historical Adam? INTERVIEWER: You assert, and I understand why you do, that Adam was an historical individual...

When Does the Pardon Take Effect for a New Believer

On October 14, 2017, at Houston Baptist University Dr. Craig shares a paper exploring the analogy between divine forgiveness and legal pardon. Following the lecture, he responds to this question about...

When Does the Soul Enter the Body?

A human being is not intrinsically morally valuable because of the chemicals that make up his body. It's the soul that infuses the body and makes it valuable. Now, why then would I hold to pro-lif...

Where Did the Genealogies in Genesis Come From?

Where did the genealogies in Genesis come from? Dr. Craig responds! QUESTIONER: Question about the genealogies. I understand what you're saying about no one has any idea where these numbers come...

Where Did the Genesis Creation Accounts Come From?

How did the biblical authors receive the creation narratives? Was there a written or oral tradition passed down from the time of Adam and Eve? Dr. Craig responds! DR. CRAIG: I have been really shock...

Where Is Sheol? - Does the Bible Teach a 3-Tier Cosmology?

Numbers 16:31-35 shares a story of the earth swallowing up people alive and taking them to the realm of the dead. How does this fit into a biblical understanding of cosmology? QUESTIONER: I was just...

Where to Begin When Starting Into Apologetics

For more information and resources visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.orgOn September 29th, 2012, William Lane Craig participated in the Contending with Christianity's Critics Conference held at Wa...

Which Elements in Genesis 1-3 Existed Literally? Do Figurative Elements Negate Theological Truths?

Was there a real, literal garden of Eden? What about the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the serpent? If some of these elements aren't literally real, would that nega...