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What Kind of Evidence Is Historical Evidence?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...

What Makes Adam & Eve the First Human Beings?

In this interview with Justin Brierley, Dr. Craig explains what makes Adam and Eve the first human people, as opposed to other animals or hominins that may have come before....

What Makes Dr. Craig's Quest for Adam Unique?

Dr. Sean McDowell asks Dr. Craig about what sets his recent book, "In Quest of the Historical Adam," apart from others.

What Motivates Dr. Craig's Work?

For more resources from Reasonable Faith visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org In February 2016, Dr Craig spoke at Kennesaw State University, where Richard Dawkins had drawn a large crowd just over a ...

What of People Moving Towards Pantheism & Panentheism Based on Quantum Physics?

In January of 2019, Dr. Craig was invited to sit down with Erik Thoennes of Grace Evangelical Free Church in La Mirada, California for a casual conversation. This candid interview is full of stories, ...

What of Those Who Died Before Christ?

In January of 2019, Dr. Craig was invited to sit down with Erik Thoennes of Grace Evangelical Free Church in La Mirada, California for a casual conversation. This candid interview is full of stories, ...

What Percent of Genesis 1-11 is Meant to be Literally Historically True?

Is it even possible to say what percent of the Genesis creation account is meant to historically true? Dr. Craig responds!...

What Prevents Us from Being Only Ideas in the Mind of God?

Dr. Craig was invited to speak at the Worldview Apologetics Conference hosted at Westminster Chapel in Bellevue, WA in April of 2017. Following his lecture titled "Why Does Anything at All Exist?" Dr....

What Properties Does the Creator of the Universe Have?

On March 3rd, 2014 Dr William Lane Craig gave a lecture on the Kalam Cosmological Argument at Georgia Tech University. During the Q&A; Dr Craig answers a question concerning how we assign properti...

What Relationship Does Penal Substitution Have on a Christian's Power over Sin?

Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas hosted Dr. Craig in February of 2018 for a series of lectures and discussions. Speaking at the Bible majors chapel for their Spring lecture, Dr. Craig talks on t...