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What Is the Role of Apologetics In Evangelism?

A special HBU Convocation featuring a discussion between William Lane Craig and Lee Strobel on the campus of Houston Baptist University....

What Is the Role of Biblical Inerrancy in Evangelism?

For more resources from Reasonable Faith visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual mis...

What Is the Value of Human Life?

On April 4, 2009 William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens participated in a debate about the existence of God at Biola University. At the conclusion of the debate, students from Biola were allowed ...

What Is the Warrant for the Moral Argument's Second Premise?

In December of 2019, Dr. Craig was a featured keynote at the EPS Apologetics Conference hosted at Maranatha Chapel in San Diego, California. Following his talk entitled "3 Reasons God Exists," Dr. Cra...

What is Theistic Evolution?

INTERVIEWER: What do you say is theistic evolution? How would you describe theistic evolution? And do you think it is biblically compatible with the account in Genesis? DR. CRAIG: I guess I would say...

What Is Time?

DR. CRAIG: What is time? Saint Augustine once said that, “If no one asks me, I know what time is. But if someone asks me, I'm unable to answer.” I think that the reason for the mysteri...

What Is Tolerance?

For more resources visit http://reasonablefaith.orgDr. William Lane Craig speaks on the importance of the intellectual life for Christians at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, Georgia - January 3, 2010. I...

What Is Your Opinion of Marilyn Adams’s View of the Atonement?

In February 2018 Dr. Craig traveled to North Carolina State University for a series of speaking events hosted by Cru. On 2/24/18 Dr. Craig gave a lecture, followed by a Q&A time, on "Philosophical...

What Is Your View of Inerrancy?

What Justification Is There for Atheism?

On April 18th, 2012 William Lane Craig and Klemens Kappel debated the topic "Does God Exist?" in Copenhagen, Denmark. After the debate there was a lengthy question and answer period with the audience....