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What Exactly is the Genre of "Mythohistory," and How Does it Apply to Genesis 1-11?

Dr. Craig explains how the genre of mythohistory fits onto the Genesis account of creation!

What Facts Support Freedom of the Will?

On March 1, 2013, Dr William Lane Craig gave a lecture at Simon Fraser University on the topic, "Is Faith In God Reasonable?" This event was sponsored by the following SFU Clubs: University Christian ...

What Happened to the Disciples That Transformed Them into Avid Witnesses for Christ?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...

What Hope Does the Atonement Offer for Justice in the World?

Dr. Craig addresses our desire for justice, God's wrath, and why the death of Christ is relevant.

What If Ancient Humans Were Like Philosophical Zombies?

Dr. Joshua Swamidass and Dr. Craig exchange thoughts on humanness and evidence regarding the dating of the historical Adam & Eve....

What if God Just Created the Earth to Appear Old?

Joshua Lewis and Michael Rowntree of Remnant Radio interview Dr. Craig on his recent deep dive into Genesis and the historical Adam. Here they discuss the "Apparent Age Theory."...

What if I’m on the Fence About Christianity?

Dr. Craig gives some advice for those wrestling with the claims of Christianity and the problems with Christians....

What Implications Does Penal Substitution Have for the Debate Between Limited & Unlimited Atonement?

In February 2018 Dr. Craig traveled to North Carolina State University for a series of speaking events hosted by Cru. On 2/24/18 Dr. Craig gave a lecture, followed by a Q&A time, on "Philosophical...

What is a Boltzmann Brain?

On March 3rd, 2014 Dr William Lane Craig gave a lecture on the Kalam Cosmological Argument at Georgia Tech University. During the Q&A; Dr Craig explains Boltzmann Brains....

What is a Good Analogy of the Trinity? (William Lane Craig)

Dr. William Lane Craig gives his own analogy of the Holy Trinity.