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05 / 06

On the Relationship Between Christ's Incarnation & Substitutionary Atonement

During his Toronto speaking tour in January 2018 Dr. Craig gave a lecture at a Wycliffe Christian faculty/student luncheon on "Does Penal Substitution Satisfy Divine Justice?" Here he engages another ...

On the Schizophrenia Analogy for Christ's Consciousness

Dr. Craig was invited to speak at the Worldview Apologetics Conference hosted at Westminster Chapel in Bellevue, WA in April of 2017.Following his lecture titled "Jesus, God and Man" Dr. Craig answers...

On the Trap of "The God of the Gaps"

Dr. Craig was invited to speak at the Worldview Apologetics Conference hosted at Westminster Chapel in Bellevue, WA in April of 2017.Following his lecture titled "Why Does Anything at All Exist?" Dr. ...

On the Use of the Word "Innocent" to Describe the Pardoned

On October 14, 2017, at Houston Baptist University Dr. Craig shares a paper exploring the analogy between divine forgiveness and legal pardon. Following the lecture, he answers a question regarding hi...

On Time, God's Middle Knowledge, and Human Free Will

Dr. Craig was invited to speak at the Worldview Apologetics Conference hosted at Westminster Chapel in Bellevue, WA in April of 2017. Following his lecture titled "Why Does Anything at All Exist?" Dr....

Origin of the Universe (William Lane Craig vs Alex Rosenberg)

Is there a cause to the universe? What is the origin of the universe? This clip shows the exchange between Dr William Lane Craig and Dr Alex Rosenberg on the origin of the universe. On February 1st, 2...

Origins of the Universe - Has Stephen Hawking Eliminated God? - William Lane Craig & Rodney Holder

Cambridge October 2011 - William Lane Craig responds in a public lecture to the claims in Stephen Hawking's recent book The Grand Design. Speaking to a capacity audience at St Andrew the Great chu...

Overflow Today | How to Answer, "There Is No Proof of God"

Overflow Today is a free 3 to 5 minute video/audio podcast for Christians which teach us how to naturally “overflow” into our non-Christian friendsâ€&tr...

Overflow Today | How to Answer, "There Is No Proof of God"

Overflow Today is a free 3 to 5 minute video/audio podcast for Christians which teach us how to naturally “overflow” into our non-Christian friendsâ€&tr...

PART 2: DEFEATERS | If These Arguments for God Fail, What Should You Believe?

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A; following his lecture on the topic "Is Christian...