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On N.T. Wright's View of the Atonement

In February 2018 Dr. Craig traveled to North Carolina State University for a series of speaking events hosted by Cru. On 2/24/18 Dr. Craig gave a lecture, followed by a Q&A time, on "Philosophical...

On N.T. Wright's View of the Second Coming of Christ

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A; following his lecture on the topic "Is Christian...

On Other Atonement Theories

During his Toronto speaking tour in January 2018 Dr. Craig gave a lecture at a Wycliffe Christian faculty/student luncheon on "Does Penal Substitution Satisfy Divine Justice?" Here he answers a questi...

On Restorative & Retributive Justice

During his Toronto speaking tour in January 2018 Dr. Craig gave a lecture at a Wycliffe Christian faculty/student luncheon on "Does Penal Substitution Satisfy Divine Justice?" Here he answers a questi...

On the Age of the Universe

In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A following his lecture on the topic "Is Christianity Cre...

On the Age of the Universe

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A; following his lecture on the topic "Is Christian...

On the Comparison of Christ's and the Unbelievers' Punishments

During his Toronto speaking tour in January 2018 Dr. Craig gave a lecture at a Wycliffe Christian faculty/student luncheon on "Does Penal Substitution Satisfy Divine Justice?" Here he answers a questi...

On the Doctrine of Original Sin

In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A following his lecture on the topic "Is Christianity Cre...

On the Doctrine of Original Sin

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A; following his lecture on the topic "Is Christian...

On the Function of Christ's Human & Divine Natures in the Atonement

Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas hosted Dr. Craig in February of 2018 for a series of lectures and discussions. Following his lecture titled "Is Penal Substitution Unjust?" Dr. Craig answers a q...