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05 / 06

Is Penal Substitution Divine Child Abuse?

Dr. Craig responds to a Steve Chalke quote that offers the oft-used "cosmic child abuse" claim against penal substitutionary atonement....

Is Philosophy Unbiblical?

Dr. Craig responds to a question during his interview with apologists in India!

Is Plantinga's Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism A Good Argument?

For more resources from Reasonable Faith visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org For more resources from Unbelievable? visit: http://www.premierchristianradio.com/...In July of 2014, Dr Craig flew to th...

Is Salvation by Faith Actually Salvation by Works?

Is the Bible Reliable?

While Dr William Lane Craig was on his Australian speaking tour, he spoke at EV Church on the topic, "The Evidence for Christianity." Can we trust that the Bible is true? After his talk, he answered a...

Is The Christian View of Hell Coherent?

In 1998, Dr William Lane Craig debated Professor Keith M. Parsons at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX. The topic of the debate was "Why I Am/Am Not a Christian." After the debate there was a le...

Is the Design Hypothesis for the Fine-Tuning of the Universe Implausible?

In 2011 Dr William Lane Craig spoke at the Forum of Christian Leaders (FOCL) in Hungary. While they he spoke on the topic, "Five Arguments for Theism" and took questions from the audience to accompany...

Is the Doctrine of the Trinity Essential?

Is the Empty Tomb A Legend?

In 1998, Dr William Lane Craig debated Professor Keith M. Parsons at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX. The topic of the debate was "Why I Am/Am Not a Christian." After the debate there was a le...

Is the Evidence for Jesus Good?

While Dr William Lane Craig was on his 2013 Australian speaking tour, he spoke at the Sydney University Evangelical Union on the resurrection of Jesus.  After his talk, he answered a number of qu...