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Is God the Best Explanation for the Problem of Evil?

On March 1, 2013, Dr William Lane Craig gave a lecture at Simon Fraser University on the topic, "Is Faith In God Reasonable?" This event was sponsored by the following SFU Clubs: University Christian ...

Is God's Essence His Existence?

Dr. Craig discusses Divine Simplicity with Ryan Mullins and Cameron Bertuzzi.  INTERVIEWER: Here's what Augustus Strong says. He says, “The nominalistic notion that God is a being of ...

Is God's Omniscience Contingent Upon His Creation?

Dr. Craig responds to a critique of Molinism based on rejecting counterfactuals.

Is Hell Real?

Is It Inconsistent with the Nature of God to Punish an Innocent Person?

In November of 2018, Dr. Craig was honored to give the Plenary Lecture of the Evangelical Philosophical Society conference in Denver, Colorado. In his lecture to a packed house, Dr. Craig gives a defe...

Is It OK to Question Our Faith?

Dr. Craig answers a question on faith and doubt.

Is It Possible for an Infinite Number of Past Events to Exist?

 In February 2015, Dr William Lane Craig visited Rutgers University in New Jersey at the invitation of the campus Christian group Ratio Christi. He gave an evening lecture on the subject â&...

Is It Possible to Evaluate the Resurrection without Believing In God or Miracles?

While Dr William Lane Craig was on his 2013 Australian speaking tour, he spoke at the Sydney University Evangelical Union on the resurrection of Jesus.  After his talk, he answered a number of qu...

Is it Possible to Have Joy in the Midst of Pain?

Dr. Craig shares a powerful example of a woman who had incredible joy and power in the midst of terrible suffering....

Is It Possible to Know God?

For more information visit: www.reasonablefaith.org/newbeliever