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If God Is Perfect Must His Design Be Perfect?

On March 22, 2001 Dr William Lane Craig debated Dr Massimo Pigliucci on the topic, "Does the Christian God Exist?" at University of Georgia in the U.G.A. Chapel. The conclusion of the debate provided ...

If God is Perfect, Why Did He Need to Create People?

On July 27th & 28th, 2012, an On Guard Christian Apologetics conference was held in Tulsa, Oklahoma by the Reasonable Faith Tulsa chapter (http://reasonablefaithtulsa.org/). The conference was nam...

If God Is Timeless, Shouldn’t He Be Frozen?

How do God's timelessness and changelessness work together? MODERATOR: Now we've all seen the movies where they find a magical watch, and they tap the watch and time stops apart from the per...

If God Loves Sinners, Why Consign Them to Hell?

DR. CRAIG: Obviously God doesn't consign every unbeliever to infinite damnation. I was an unbeliever at one time; probably you were too! And God saved us and rescued us from perdition. God's w...

If God the Father Had Come as the Sacrifice Instead of the Son, Would the Atonement be Problematic?

In February 2018 Dr. Craig traveled to North Carolina State University for a series of speaking events hosted by Cru. On 2/24/18 Dr. Craig gave a lecture, followed by a Q&A time, on "Philosophical...

If Jesus Paid the Debt for Everyone's Sin, Why Does Anyone Go to Hell?

Dr. Craig responds to a question regarding salvation.

If Subatomic Particles Come Into Being Uncaused, Why Not The Universe?

In March 2015, Dr William Lane Craig delivered the Cadbury Lectures at the University of Birmingham in the UK. The honor of being invited to deliver these prestigious lectures was especially meaningfu...

If These Arguments for God Fail, What Should You Believe?

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A; following his lecture on the topic "Is Christian...

If Time Continues Forever, Is That An Actual Infinite Amount of Time?

In 2011 Dr William Lane Craig spoke at the Forum of Christian Leaders (FOCL) in Hungary. While they he spoke on the topic, "Five Arguments for Theism" and took questions from the audience to accompany...

If We Are Dead In Sins, How Can We Respond to God?

Defenders is Dr William Lane Craig's weekly Sunday school class on Christian doctrine and apologetics. This video is a clip from part 17 of Doctrine of Man in which Dr Craig responds to a question...