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Dr. Craig Discusses a Personal Attack from Ken Ham

Joshua Swamidass gets Dr. Craig's reaction to an attempted character assassination by Ken Ham on Facebook.

Dr. Craig Offers a Definition of Forgiveness

Dr. Craig fulfills a request to define forgiveness following a presentation of his paper defending the Reformers' doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement against the attacks of some contempora...

Dr. Craig Offers a Definition of Forgiveness

Dr. Craig fulfills a request to define forgiveness following a presentation of his paper defending the Reformers’ doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement against the attacks of some contempo...

Dr. Craig on the Existential Longing for Perfect Moral Goodness

In February 2015, Dr William Lane Craig visited Rutgers University in New Jersey at the invitation of the campus Christian group Ratio Christi. He gave an evening lecture on the subject "The Existence...

Dr. Craig Responds to Hugh Ross's View of God's Own Dimensions of Time

What does Dr. Craig think about Hugh Ross's interesting view of God and time?

Dr. Craig Responds to Jordan Peterson on Christian Environmental Ethics

Does Christian theology teach us anything about environmental ethics? Dr. Craig compares sound theology to the criticisms of the Left and the thoughts of Jordan Peterson! JORDAN PETERSON: Accusation...

Dr. Craig Shares Advice for People in Ministry!

Dr. Craig responds to a question during his interview with apologists in India!

Dr. Craig Talks with a Young Earth Creationist!

In a class at HCU on the historical Adam, Dr. Craig dialogues with a student who is upset about the treatment of Young Earth Creationists in their academic pursuits! QUESTIONER: Hey, Dr. Craig. In r...

Dr. Craig's Advice on Christian Apologetics

For more resources from Reasonable Faith visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual mis...

Dr. Craig's Advice to Young Christians Interested In Science

For more resources from Reasonable Faith visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org For more resources from Unbelievable? visit: http://www.premierchristianradio.com/...In July of 2014, Dr Craig flew to th...