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Don't Arguments Against Actual Infinites Apply to God?

Alex J. O'Connor, aka. (The) Cosmic Skeptic, questions Dr. Craig about claims for God's eternality.

Don't Extraordinary Claims Need Extraordinary Evidence?

While Dr William Lane Craig was on his 2013 Australian speaking tour, he spoke at the Sydney University Evangelical Union on the resurrection of Jesus.  After his talk, he answered a number of qu...

Dr Craig's Favorite Argument for God's Existence

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this talk with the local church leaders of Belfast, Dr. Craig ...

Dr Craig's Favorite Argument for God's Existence

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this talk with the local church leaders of Belfast, Dr. Craig ...

Dr William Lane Craig's Courses for the Master of Arts in Theology & Apologetics Degree

Dr. William Lane Craig shares about the four courses that he created and assists with teaching for the Oklahoma Wesleyan University's Master of Arts in Theology and Apologetics online degree....

Dr Craig Responds to the Objection that God Provides No Predictive Contribution to Science

On February 1st, 2013 at Purdue University, Dr William Lane Craig participated in a debate with Dr Alex Rosenberg on the topic, "Is Faith In God Reasonable?" Over 5,000 people watched the event on the...

Dr Craig's Favorite Argument for God's Existence

In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this talk with the local church leaders of Belfast, Dr. Craig answer...

Dr. Alexander Pruss Questions Dr. Craig

In November 2014, Dr William Lane Craig participated in a conference at Baylor University in honor of Alvin Plantinga, widely regarded as the world’s most important living Christian...

Dr. Craig Counters deGrasse Tyson on Demon Possession

Dr. Craig responds to a video clip of Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Dr. Craig Debates on Why God Can’t Be a Computer

A classic clip of Dr. Craig refuting biologist Dr. Lewis Wolpert and providing some simple teaching on Kalam 101. INTERVIEWER: There is one clip that I wanted to share just from one debate that you ...