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The Quran Says the Christian Trinity is the Father, Jesus, and Mary!

Dr. Craig shares examples from the Quran illustrating how it fundamentally misunderstands the doctrine of the Trinity.

DR. CRAIG: Unfortunately the Qur'an's denunciation of the doctrine of the Trinity seems to be based upon a gross misunderstanding of that doctrine. First, a bit of history here. Early Christian creeds adopted the language of speaking of Mary as the “mother of God” because she bore Jesus Christ. Now, to someone who is not familiar with the theology of the early church fathers, such an expression as “the mother of God” is bound to be misleading. What the church fathers meant by this expression is that the person whose human nature Mary bore is a divine person. But Mary did not give birth to the divine nature of Christ, but she could be called the mother of God since Christ, whose human nature she bore, was a divine person. But Muhammad evidently thought that Christians believed in a Trinity composed of God, Mary, and their offspring, Jesus. It's no wonder that he was revolted by such a ridiculous doctrine. Muhammad’s understanding of the Trinity is evident in passages such as the following found in the Qur’an:

God will say, “Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever say to mankind, ‘Worship me and my mother as gods besides God?’” “Glory be to You!” he will answer; “I could never have claimed what I have no right to.”[1]

Or, again, the Qur’an says,

The creator of the heavens and the Earth. How should he have a son seeing that he has no consort and he created all things . . .?[2]

The doctrine that Muhammad rejected, namely that God the Father should consort with a human female to sire a son and that these three should then be worshiped equally as gods, would be rejected by any Christian.


[1] Qur’an 5:116. See: (accessed September 23, 2023).

[2] Qur’an 6:101. See: (accessed September 23, 2023).