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The Origin of Molinism

Dr. Craig talks about Luis de Molina and the origin of his groundbreaking theology!

I think it's worth knowing that Molina was a Catholic counter-Reformer, and he understood the central teaching of Calvin and Luther to involve a denial of human libertarian freedom. He understood their view to so emphasize divine sovereignty that human freedom and hence moral responsibility was annihilated. And so Molina's burden was to articulate a view of divine sovereignty and human freedom which would allow us to affirm fully both of those biblical doctrines in a coherent way. And so that was the central task Molina set for himself. He went through an incredible amount of stress for having done this. He was investigated by the Inquisition. His life was under threat for many years. He could be executed had the Pope found against his views, but the Pope never did condemn Molinism. He finally said that Molinism is a legitimate alternative for Catholic theologians to adopt. So Molina was in that sense exonerated. But he did live courageously under tremendous stress for several years.